Ghost Hunting 101 and Tours

Join us for a tour!

Come on a ghost hunt with us! We will take you on a tour of the location to learn about the hotspots, teach you about paranormal investigation equipment, and do your own ghost-hunting investigation!

Immerse yourself in the experience with a seasoned paranormal investigator! We will be there to help you with anything paranormal-related! We stay with you all night long!

Ghost Hunting 101 & Tours will take you on tours and teach you how to conduct your own investigations. Our knowledgeable team of experienced investigators will take you under their wing to show you hotspots and how to interact through paranormal experiments. We provide equipment but encourage you to bring yours.

Mobile phone capturing hallway in video
cartoon ghost at night

Take tours with our empath psychic medium, who grew up sensitive to unseen activities. Julie Speer could see auras around people and entities when she was young. Being the only person in her family to experience ghostly activity made her curious about it. She grew up hearing voices, getting her bed sheets pulled, and radios turning on or changing stations. This activity led Julie to teach others about the paranormal.

Become a part of the team during investigations, capture footage, EVPs, and stories about the past. We will help you with anything paranormal and provide snacks. We travel to new locations, so check out our Facebook and YouTube to see what we’ve been up to. Curious about joining us? Keep watching our Calendar for new events coming up!

creepy room fisheye view

A little about our process: We will take you on a tour of the location, telling you about the haunts and history of the site. After the tour, we will teach you how to use some of our state-of-the-art equipment and do a small investigation together. Afterward, you get to investigate independently for the last 3-4 hours. You can bring your equipment, or we can provide you with investigation equipment onsite. We can’t wait to share this experience with you all and look forward to ghost-hunting with you!

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